To Be Acquired For USD7.93 Million (Updated)

After thinking about this for more than a year, I believe it’s time. This opportunity was first brought to our attention last March 2013, and with recent updates, I just couldn’t ignore it anymore. With all the hard work we put into the blog and the database, this might just be the best time move-on.

It was a hard and painful decision, but the numbers just made sense, and I believe anyone in the same position would agree and grab the opportunity. With that said, and with a heavy heart, we have decided to sell for USD7.93 Million (about PHP 352.885 Million @ PHP44.50/USD) as indicated on the website valuation below. website valuation as of April 1 2014 website valuation as of April 1, 2014 (click to enlarge)


Let me make it clear that unlike many other website acquisitions, is here to stay, and you can rest assured that the website will continue to give you updated listings of foreclosed properties (through the blog and our foreclosed real estate database), and more real estate investing tips.

In addition, we will be launching our members area very soon. This will include online training modules on how to buy and sell foreclosed properties, and other premium content exclusive for members.

Thank you everyone!

Thanks again everyone, it has was an awesome run, and we thank each and everyone of you who have been with us through thick and thin in our journey through the years.

It’s been an honor and a pleasure serving you all, and we wish you all the best!

Update as of April 1, 2014, 3:23pm (Additional information)

Due to the nature of this announcement, I cannot give more details at the moment. However, because of the many reactions we have received from a lot of people out there, we are releasing more information, which should make things clearer for everyone. Access the additional info below:

Show additional info...
Happy April Fools Day! 🙂 


Happy Investing!

Jay Castillo

Real Estate Investor
PRC Real Estate Broker License No. 3194 
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Text by Jay Castillo and Cherry Castillo. Copyright © 2008 – 2014 All rights reserved.

P.S. Happy April 1 everyone … wink wink! 😉

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35 thoughts on “ To Be Acquired For USD7.93 Million (Updated)”

  1. nice one haha! honestly sir jay i am one of the new fan of this blog of yours sir. i really want to go into this type of investment so this blog is really a haven for me. mabuhay ka sir jay!

  2. Hello everyone, since it’s already April 2, I can already answer you all here. 🙂

    This was our April Fool’s Day post. To those who fell for it… gotcha!!!

    Actually, I pulled this off already last year but only on our facebook page. I was expecting that the valuation of at would be more accurate this year, but it ballooned further to a more outrageous value, which was a perfect setup for this year’s April Fool’s day, and I just had to give the punchline in this post.

    I was really surprised a lot of people fell for this, even if I added a link to Rick Astley’s youtube video, the classic punchline to April Fool’s day pranks on the web.

    Anyway, even if I was just kidding, this joke was half-meant. If the day came that someone wants to buy our website for the right price, we would actually consider it. That’s how investors are… hehe!

    Other info I mentioned above are true however, most especially the part about the members area, which we will launch very soon. You can check it out through this link:

    Thanks again everyone, and I hope you all also had a great laugh yesterday, especially with all the pranks on the web. 🙂

  3. Rodrigo_Roa_Duterte

    I am torn apart by this sad announcement and the fact that, as what many patrons here have reminded us, today indeed is April fool’s day. What makes it more more agonizing is that I would not have expected such a cruel joke from you. But at the same time, is it not what makes fooling on this most ominous day more meaningful?

    If it is in fact the genuine of intentions, then I should reciprocate my feelings by saying that it is also with a heavy heart to see you let go of your most cherished enterprise and I am truly glad that you have been with us all through this years. There’s many a great percentage of us who would otherwise have been lost in this very dynamic maze of real estate.

    If it is a joke, I promise you that you will never see my guard down ever again. You fool me once, shame on me. You fool me twice, more shame on me. I shall then have no face to write in this blog ever again. But let me just say that you got me.

  4. Congrats Sir! I’m just worrying that maybe all the useful information in this site will be limited after the take over. Especially the new aspiring real estate investors like me who just happen to explore this website. Hoping that nothing will change here (if this is true).

  5. Congrats Sir Jay for your success and effort..The God reciprocate the the fruit of your sacrifice and helping others from this website..

  6. Hi Jay.

    Congratulations on the sale of your website.

    May you have more blessings from the Lord.



    I hope the level of information remains at its high standard and look forward to the improvements.

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