Why invest in foreclosed properties in the Philippines? + Top things to consider [Video]

Why invest in foreclosed properties? What are the things you should know before you invest in foreclosed properties? What to look for when inspecting foreclosed properties? Find out in the video below.

I just found this video when I was browsing my friend Allan Ngo’s youtube channel. While we had this interview before the pandemic, it covers time-tested principles that remain applicable and timely NOW, most especially since real estate has bounced back during this “New Normal”.

If you’re new to foreclosed properties, you will definitely learn a lot from this video where we discussed the “essentials” from a beginners perspective.

Anyway, I just realized I have never shared this interview here on my blog, so here goes…

Video: How to invest in foreclosed properties in the Philippines

Click the video image to play from the beginning, or click on the timestamps below the video to jump to a topic/question.

video how to invest in foreclosed properties in the philippines v2

Timestamps for list of topics/questions answered)

Yes, we covered a lot in this video, so here are timestamps to questions/topics covered for easy navigation. Simply click on the timestamp to jump to that portion of the video.

00:17 โ€“ Introduction

01:33 โ€“ Biggest reason to invest in foreclosed properties

04:12โ€‹ โ€“ How Jay went from IT manger into a full-time real estate investor

09:36โ€‹ โ€“ Ways to Earn from Foreclosed Properties (#3 doesnโ€™t even require any cash out)

18:16โ€‹ โ€“ Things you should know BEFORE investing in foreclosed properties

21:50โ€‹ โ€“ The WORST answer when determining how much rent you can expect from a property

22:17โ€‹ โ€“ Pre-selling: How do you determine the potential rental income upon completion?

23:41โ€‹ โ€“ What do you look for when inspecting a property?

28:07โ€‹ โ€“ The #1 red flag when it comes to home security (or lack of it!)

29:54โ€‹ โ€“ Hidden costs? What are the other costs you should consider before buying.

32:19โ€‹ โ€“ The one person you can bring to help you estimate the renovation cost (Hint: it’s free)

35:50โ€‹ โ€“ Who do you need to work with to complete a property purchase

41:18โ€‹ โ€“ How do you sell your property?

41:48โ€‹ โ€“ The smart place to get an appraiser (Hint: It will save you a lot of time & money)

44:07โ€‹ โ€“ Where can you market your property online?

47:21โ€‹ โ€“ How to get mentorship for the long-run

Actually there were a lot more questions/topics covered in this video interview, but I need more time to add links to each and everyone of them. I’ll just update this asap.

Thanks again to Allan for this awesome interview.

What topic do you want covered next?

After 2 years of not uploading any new videos to my youtube channel, I will begin to continue adding new videos soon…

What videos do you want covered next? Let me know by leaving a comment below. Thanks!

Links to free training mentioned in the video

About Allan Ngo and DigitalSolopreneur

Allan and his team “help passionate solopreneurs grow their digital product business with email trifecta: copywriting, storytelling and automation.”

I’ve personally known Allan for a decade (tagal na pala… hehe) and I can definitely say he’s one of the genuine experts in the digital marketing space who “walks the talk”.

Learn more about Allan/DigitalSolopreneur though the following links:

Avoid losing money, wasted time and effort caused by buying foreclosed properties that have too many problems, with our free 60-item Property Due Diligence Checklist. Grab your free copy now.

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